Games for Health Europe Conference


I had the opportunity to speak to delegates at the Games for Health Europe Conference, held in Eindhoven, Netherlands in October, 2019.

Speaking on the four Real Human Factor Games and how they help save lives in our emergency department. Meeting other serious gaming enthusiasts from all sectors in healthcare was fantastic!

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International Conference for Emergency Nurses (ICEN)


I had the pleasure of speaking to delegates at the International Conference for Emergency Nurses, held in Adelaide, Australia in October, 2019.

Speaking on the topic of how all nurses, can exceed in their practice by achieving marginal gains. It doesn't take much time, much effort, and any nurse in all positions, can exceed with marginal gains.

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Safe Care Victoria Giant Steps Conference


The four Real Human Factors games were presented in the form of an infographic poster at Safe Care Victoria’s first conference, Giant Steps. Held in Melbourne, Australia, November 2019. I met with delegates from many diverse areas of healthcare form quality and safety to education.

The Annual Emergency Medicine Educators Conference (EMEC)


The four Real Human Factor games were presented in the form of an infographic at the annual Emergency Medicine Educators Conference, held in Birmingham, England June, 2019.

It was a fantastic conference with like minded educators coming together from all over the world, sharing ways to teach in time critical settings. Along with exciting discussions for new training games and strategies for the future.

Look forward to EMEC 2021!

Social Media and Critical Care (SMACC)


The four Real Human Factor Training games were elaborated on further during a 6-slide e-Poster presentation at the final SMACC Conference, held in Sydney, Australia March, 2019.

A podcast with Jellybean Podcast host Doug Lynch, was also recorded during the week, for release later this year. Details of development, training success and future plans of game release for purchase, were discussed.

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International Conference for Emergency Nurses


The four Real Human Factor Training games were first presented October 2018 in Melbourne, Australia at the International Conference for Emergency Nurses.

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Real Human Factors is an Australian based company providing exclusive, serious games specifically to train human factor skills for various specialty areas within the hospital setting. We provide both retail and wholesale advenues for our games. Retail sales are available at upcoming conferences that Real Human Factors is presenting at. Contact us today for more information.



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